SIBM Pune vs IIM Shillong. Which one is better?
IIM Shillong is better because it has emerged with the better return on investment, through the difference in marginal which is compared to SIBM Pune. This institute which significantly charge more higher fees which has larger number of recruiters on campus.
Thank you.
SIBM pune is a private university. Its rating in MBA COLLEGES LIST IS "AAAA" It was established back in the year 1978.
On the other hand, IIM SHILLONG is ranked 19th overall in MBA colleges list and is an Institute of National Importance. Also is a government colleges estbalished in the year 2008.
If you were to choose one from the above 2 mentioned, I will recommend you personally to go with IIM SHILLONG since it has minimum fees comparatively and has great placements compared to the other one as well. Infrastructure wise and facilities wise, SIBM Pune is better.
Refer to the sites below to know more about both of them and then choose the one that suits YOU the best because thats most important.
Best wishes. Thank you.