Sir is the processing fee payment started for document verification in TS
Hi Deepika,
Right now the official website of ts icet is closed and according to it's previous notifications the counselling processes will starts from 2nd week of July 2019 (maybe around 10th or 15th July 2019; only expected dates). So, you will only be allowed to payoff the fee after the starting of counselling process registrations.
But at present there is no official dates are released by the athourities for the counsellings.
So, for correct schedule i will suggest you to keep an eye on the official website of tsicet.
Good luck.
TS ICET 2025 Sample Papers with Solutions PDF
This eBook covers the TS ICET 2025 sample papers section wise (Mathematical Ability, Analytical Ability & Communication Ability) along with solutions and answer keys to crack the exam.