sir what is the chance of getting the seat in the better college in second phase in tseamcet??
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hello aspirant,
what happens in second phase counselling is your rank pushes by 1800 ranks that means if your rank is 8000 then chances are high that your rank pushes to 6200 that means there are chances for you that you may get a better seat if enough seats are left.that is the problem if enough seats are not left theres no use of 6200 rank!.that is how this works also this time jeemains counselling is pushed forward there are chances students who got in ts eamcet first counselling may leave the seats they are alloted if they get seats in NITS AND there also chances are there that few seats will be empty which will be filled in second phase the best thing to do is accepting the joining report of first phase and applying for only those colleges which you desire be it one or two or three apply only those and desired grp so if you get a seat no mattter what you will have no other choice you will have to join,but but if you dont get a seat in second phase you should opt for college provided in first you need to be smart and careful and filling options for second phase.
hope this helps,
See the cutoff plays a vital role in knowing your chances in any college. Also preference of choices of colleges is very important. In the next round if you have seen the previous year's cutoff, then you will be sure about certain colleges that is 100% chances. You might feel that this college from the next colleges in preference order will be alloted in second phase.
Now if you have filled your preferences in a way that better colleges at top ,then getting a better college might get tougher for you in next phase.
Always refer previous cutoffs and then make a wise choice.
All the best!
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It depends very much on luck and also on the colleges you are aiming for. It’s difficult to get into core branches in top 5 colleges through 2nd Round, but nevertheless you can give it a try.
Hope this helps you.
Good luck!