sir/ mam I prepare 32 yrs model papers go through especially Physcs.Chemis subject previous mcqs may be came in neet sir
The chance of repetition of mcq's in NEET is very low. as, It depends on syllabus But there may be repetetion of the concept involved so, i suggest you to go through the concept and go through th syllabus
I hope you find this answer useful.
We cannot guarantee whether same questions will appear in this year NEET examination or not. But that is great that you prepared for last 32 years previous year paper. It will help you somehow for sure atleast you would have understood the pattern and type of questions being asked.. Anyhow, the major goal should be clearance of concepts and i hope your concepts are clear and you have just not randomly been through the mcqs of past year papers.
Best wishes. Thank you.
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