Sir/Mam can I do MBA after ba.
You can definitely pursue MBA after completing BA or if you are final year student. MBA is the management course for all the students form different streams who want to make their career in management. You just have to crack entrance test, admission procedures and you can go ahead with the program. Make sure you score more than 50% marks in your graduation. Doing MBA will definitely give a boost to your career.
Hope you got your answer. All the best.
IIMs, especially the old ones, are India's premium institutes because of their great quality of education, faculty and infrastructure. The results are clearly seen from the students graduating from those colleges.
So if they are making brilliant managers, they require the best minds of India, hence the CAT which is a race against time and packed with negative marking scheme and tests endurance, accuracy and focus. So CAT becomes a major filter for IIMs to filter out the best minds and then filtering them even more by WAT/GD-PI process before admission.
So yes, BA can be a good direction but don't make it a factor to decide wether to opt for MBA or not.
All you have to do is to focus on CAT/MAH-CET/XAT/SNAP etc. for a good score and then you are all good.
Hope this helps.
All the best!