Sub: MHTCET form not submitted due to error in registration process Respected Sir/Ma’am, While applying for MHTCET 2021, registration form portal was taking prolonged time to response which led to unsuccessful registration. I seriously want to apply for the Same
First of all, I am very sorry to tell you that the registration for the examination had been closed now. The last date for applying for the same was 16 August 2021, as the exam will going to held between 15 September 2021 - October 10 2021.
You might had missed the form because of technical error, since everybody was busy in registering the application so the server link might had got lots of traffic so you got the technical error. It is my personal suggestion to whenever you get such technical error try to fill up the form when there will be less traffic on the server, like early in the morning or a bit late night.
For more information regarding the exam, kindly visit the link below:
Hope this answer will help you.
Thank you!