suggest a book and app of previous question papers for bitsat
You can browse careers 360 website for best books for BITSAT exam and also to get sample papers or previous year question papers for BITSAT exam, below I'm providing you the links for the same along with some of the best books name.
Here is the list of some of the best books of Physics for same:
1. Arihant Physics by DC Pandey
2. Fundamentals of Physics resnick, halliday, Walker
3. Problems in general Physics by IE Irodov
4. Concept of Physics by HC Verma volume 1 and volume 2
Some best books of chemistry for same:
1. Inorganic Chemistry by JD Lee
2. Organic Chemistry by MS Chauhan
3. Physical Chemistry by N Awasthi
4. Modern approach to chemical calculations by RC Mukherjee
Some best mathematics books for same:
1. Integral calculus by Arihant
2. Differential calculus by Arihant
3. Higher algebra by hall knight Bernard child
4. Problems in calculus of one variable algebra by I.A. Maron
some of the best books of English proficiency and logical reasoning for same:
1. BITSAT English proficiency and logical Reasoning by Disha experts
2. Wren and Martin
3. DP version complete guide to the BITSAT English by one learn education
For more relevant information regarding best books, you may visit here:
For sample papers of the same, here I'm attaching a link, you need to go through the link and you will see the option there to download the sample papers.
Here is the link for the same:
Hope this helps, all the best.
You can get the previous years question papers in any book that if for bitsat. So, according to me you must buy a book of Bitsat explorer of mtg publications. It is best for bitsat exam. Also practice this in real time to get the best benefits from it.
Also please check out the following link to get the sample papers for bitsat :-
Also check or the following link to know more about bitsat 2021 :-
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