Suggest some best colleges of North Karnataka for CSE with 11011 ranking in kcet...
Congratulations on your rank.
S K S J T Institute of Engineering. Bangalore
Dr. Ambedkar Institute Of Technology Bangalore
Islamia Institute of Technology Bangalore
The Oxford College of Engineering Bangalore
Acharya Institute of Technology Bangalore
J S S Academy of Technical Education Bangalore
To get more knowledge about your chance of getting a college please check the college predictor link below:
Congratulations on your rank.
S K S J T Institute of Engineering. Bangalore
Dr. Ambedkar Institute Of Technology Bangalore
Islamia Institute of Technology Bangalore
The Oxford College of Engineering Bangalore
Acharya Institute of Technology Bangalore
J S S Academy of Technical Education Bangalore
To get more knowledge about your chance of getting a college please check the college predictor link below:
KCET Sample Papers
Students looking for KCET preparation, can download free question paper from here.