Question : The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of them may contain an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options. If you don't find any errors, mark 'No error' as your answer.
The food container / is not enough big to meet / the demands of the affected people.

Option 1: No error

Option 2: is not enough big to meet

Option 3: The food container

Option 4: the demands of the affected people.

Team Careers360 22nd Jan, 2024
Answer (1)
Team Careers360 25th Jan, 2024

Correct Answer: is not enough big to meet

Solution : The correct choice is the second option.

Explanation : The error lies in the placement of enough . The correct structure is "big enough", not "enough big". When enough is placed after the adjective, it describes the adjective, whereas if it is placed before the adjective, it describes the noun phrase. Thus, "big enough" is the correct usage in this case, as it conveys the intended meaning that the container is not as large to meet the demands.

Therefore, the correct sentence would be: "The food container is not big enough to meet the demands of the affected people."

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