Question : The monthly income of Ramesh was Rs.16,500 and his monthly expenditure was Rs.10,500. Next year his income increased by 25% and his expenditure increased by 19%. Find the percentage increase in his savings.
Option 1: 33.5%
Option 2: 34.5%
Option 3: 32.5%
Option 4: 35.5%
Correct Answer: 35.5%
Solution :
The monthly income of Ramesh was Rs.16,500 and his monthly expenditure was Rs. 10,500.
Savings in that month = 16500 – 10500 = 6000
Next year his income increased by 25% and his expenditure increased by 19%.
Monthly income becomes =
His expenditure becomes =
Savings becomes = 20625 – 12495 = 8130
Hence, the correct answer is 35.5%.