Question : The salary of Amit is 75% of the salary of Aman. The salary of Amit increases by 40% and the salary of Aman increases by 10%. By what approximate percentage is the new salary of Aman more than the new salary of Amit?
Option 1: 6.2%
Option 2: 9.6%
Option 3: 5.5%
Option 4: 4.8%
Correct Answer: 4.8%
Solution :
Given: The salary of Amit is 75% of the salary of Aman. The salary of Amit increases by 40% and the salary of Aman increases by 10%.
Let Aman's original salary as 100
So, Amit's original salary = 100 × $\frac{75}{100}$ = 75
After the increases, Aman's salary becomes 100 × $\frac{110}{100}$ = 110
and Amit's salary becomes 75 × $\frac{140}{100}$ = 105
The percentage by which Aman's new salary is more than Amit's new salary,
$=\frac{{\text{New value} - \text{Old value}}}{\text{Old value}} \times 100)$
Hence, the correct answer is 4.8%.