ts eamcet more weigtage topics. to score below 1000 rank
Some of the important topics for TS EAMCET are as follows;
Physics -
- Thermodynaics-9%
- System of Paricles and Rotational Motion,Work, Power and Energy,-6%
- Moving Charges and Magnetism,Laws of Motion, Motion in a Plane-5%
- Oscillations, Gravitation, Waves, Electrostatic Potential and Capaticance, Current Electricity-4%
- Motion in a straight line, thermal properties of matter,wave optics,electric charges and fields,electromagnetic induction,AC,Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter, Atoms, Nuclei, Semiconductor Electonics, Communication Systems-3%
Chemistry -
- p block elements-9%
- atomic structure and chemical bonding-8%
- solutions-7%
- classification of elements and periodicity in properties-5%
- thermodynamics, gaseous and liquid states,hydrocarbon-4%
- solid state, chemical kinetics, carboxylic acids, polymers-3%
Mathematics -
- Calculus-6%
- Vectors-10%
- Probability-15%
For more information regarding preparation, visit; https://learn.careers360.com/engineering/ts-eamcet/