vasavi or BVRIT narsapur which is good college
BV Raju Institute of technology, Naraspur is a private college and they have 327 faculty members. They have all the facilities like cafeteria, hostel, library, etc on campus. Considering computer science engineering it is AICTE approved and have 300 seats intake. Their fees is around Rs 5.01 lakhs and have placement of around Rs 3.80 lakhs per annum. They have students rating of 4.3/5.
Vasavi college of engineering, Hyderabad is also a private college and have 135 faculty members. But they dont have Wifi, gym, and hostel servies. Their seat for computer science are 120 and have AICTE approval. Their fees is around Rs 5.20 lakhs and placement package is around Rs 4.25 lakhs per annum. Their students rating is 4/5.
So if you are looking for better package and ready to pay little more fees then you should go for Vasavi college pf engineering
If you have given jee mains and want to know which college you can get you can refer to careers360 college predictor tool
I would sugges you BVRIT institute of technology, as, it has better placement record, better infrastructure and other facilities. According to the student reviews, it is rated 4.3. Facilities such as hostels, laboratories, library, wi-fi enabled campus is there.
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Hello Aspirant,
BVR Institute of Technology is a good college in every terms as compared to VASAVI.
Hope it helps!