What are the imp chaptets to concentrate to get 350+ in bitsat 2019? Plss give me some tips for the remaining days..pls
In the remaining days don't try to learn new topics. Better revise the ones which you've learnt. These following topics must be taken care of:
Physics - Heat & Thermodynamics, Magnetic effect of current & magnetism, Wave Motion, Current Electricity, Electrostatic, Simple Harmonic Motion, Wave Optics, Fluids
Chemistry - Chemical Bonding, Biomolecules, Carboxylic Acid & its derivates, Atomic Structure, P-block elements, Mole Concepts, Alkanes, Alkenes & Alkynes, Electrochemistry, Chemical Thermodynamics
Mathematics - Circles, Straight lines, Pair of straight lines, Vectors, Continuity & Differentiability
And solve questions from previous year. Stay calm and do well.
All the best.
Hope this helps.
BITSAT 5 Year's Question Papers with Solutions
Candidates can download BITSAT 5 year's question papers to boost their preparation.