What are the key differences between M.Phil and Phd ?
Answer (1)
The difference starts right from its name. M.Phil standing for Masters of Philosophy and Ph.D standing for Doctor of Philosophy. Both are research oriented courses. M.Phil is an accademic research degree while Ph.D is the highest degree to attempt to add something new to already existing knowledge area. In M.Phil you study based on basics of Research while in Ph.D, it is a fesh or Original Research area of study which hasnt been attempted before.
M.Phil falls in between Post Graduation Degree and a Ph.D. The duration is of 2 years with 1 year dedicated to course work and another year to dissertation work. In the 2nd year which is solely set aside for dissertation, you may have to recreate a research on already existing research on the subject you have chosen. There is a seminar presentation before you are awarded your degree.
Ph.D is the top most degree a University can award to its scholars on a respective subject for a research on an entirely new topic. The research moves around the concept of creating somehing new and original to the concept for which continuous study and experiment are to be performed.
M.Phil falls in between Post Graduation Degree and a Ph.D. The duration is of 2 years with 1 year dedicated to course work and another year to dissertation work. In the 2nd year which is solely set aside for dissertation, you may have to recreate a research on already existing research on the subject you have chosen. There is a seminar presentation before you are awarded your degree.
Ph.D is the top most degree a University can award to its scholars on a respective subject for a research on an entirely new topic. The research moves around the concept of creating somehing new and original to the concept for which continuous study and experiment are to be performed.
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