What are the Subjects in NTSE examination?
Also See: JEE Main College Predictor | NEET College Predictor
Hi student,
The NTSE examination consists of 2 sections: MAT and SAT. The syllabus for both MAT and SAT is same and is given for stage 1 and stage 2 as follows:
Paper I MAT (Mental Ability Test)
1. Part I (Verbal Reasoning)
2. Part II (Non-Verbal Reasoning)
3. Part III (General English)
Paper II SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)
1. Part I (Physics)
2. Part II (Chemistry)
3. Part III (Biology)
4. Part IV (Mathematics)
5. Part V (History)
6. Part VI (Geography)
7. Part VII (Civics)
8. Part VIII (Economics)
• General Knowledge
Hope it helps.
Good luck.