what happens if version code /subject code is not written in omr sheet in kcet Karnataka
Send a request email to the given email address in the official website. I am also in the same situation. good luck
Hi madhu,
There are usually 4 booklet codes in such exams A,B,C and D. That means the questions are same but in different serial order to prevent copying. Why it is imperative to write the booklet code and serial no in the omr sheet is because omr sheet is just your answer sheet with no questions and only MCQs wherein you have to mark the answer in blue or black point pen. Now how will the examiner or if its a automatic computer based evaluation will understand which question booklet your answers are based on if you haven't mentioned there. These are important instructions given to kcet candidates one week prior to the exams they even release omr sheet so that you can practice beforehand and also invigilator gives the instructions on do's and don'ts 15 mins prior to the exam. The invigilator's duty also includes to check the details entered before signing on your sheet. So even if you missed it the invigilator didn't do his or her job properly. Both booklet code and serial no is important. Usually for such exams invigilator are given separate forms to maintain or record student data including your hall ticket no and question code no alongwith attendance sheet. In such cases there is some bleak chance otherwise it is a glitch. I am not sure on what is the procedure in such cases where imp details are missing so I can't comment on that. Get in touch with the concerned authorities if you can through their help center or some other way and Let's just hope its sorted out. If not you can still appear again for the exam let's not give on hope. Keep trying
All the best.

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