What is syllabus for JEE MAINS 2021 for all the three subjects??
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Each and every lesson from class 11 and 12 is important.
Mathematics syllabus-
1) Sets, relations and functions
2) Complex numbers and quadratic equation
3) Matrices and Determinants
4) Mathematical induction
5) Permutation and Combination
6) Mathematical reasoning
7) Limit, continuity and differentiability
8) Integral calculus
9) 3d geometry
10) Differential equation
11) Binomial theorem
12) Sequence and series
13) vector algebra
14) Statistics and probability
14) Trigonometry
15) co-ordinate geometry
1) Physics and measurement
2) Rotational motion
3) Kinematics
4) Thermodynamics
5) properties of liquids and solids
6) laws of motion
7) work, energy and power
8) Gravitation
9) Oscillations and waves
10) Electronic device
11) Kinetic theory of gases
12) Current electricity, Electrostatics, Electromagnetic ways
13)Electromagnetic Induction and alternating currents
13) Communication system
14) Magnetic effects of current and magnetism
15) Optics ( wave and ray)
16) Atoms and nuclei
17) Dual nature of matter and radiation. And questions will be asked from practical also.
Physical chemistry- 1) some basics concept in chemistry
2) states of matter
3) Atomic structure
4) Chemical bonding and molecular structure
5) Chemical Thermodynamics
6) Solutions
7) Equilibrium
8) Redox reaction and electrochemistry
9) Chemical kinetics
10) Surface chemistry
Organic chemistry- 1) Purification and characterization of organic compounds
2) Chemistry in everyday life
3) Hydrocarbons
4) Organic compounds containing halogens, oxygen, nitrogen.
5) Polymers
6) Biomolecules
7) Some basic principle of organic chemistry
Inorganic - 1) Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
2) S block elements(alkali and alkaline earth metals) P block elements (13-18), D and F block elements.
3) Hydrogen
4) Coordination compounds
5) Environmental chemistry
6) General principles and process of isolation of metals. Practical for chemistry must also be included.
These are the syllabus for JEE Mains 2021.
Prepare well, ALL THE BEST. Hope the answer was helpful.
Thank You
Dear student,
JEE Main 2021 syllabus is not declared officially, Till then you can focus on class 11th & 12th Syllabus & can refer NCERT books for the concept.
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The link for the syllabus for jee main 2021 can be accessed by the link given below:
Mathematics Syllabus:
Sets, Relations & Functions, Matrices & Determinants, Permutations & Combinations, Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations, Binomial Theorem, Mathematical Induction, Limit, Sequences & Series, Differential Equations, Integral Calculus, Continuity & Differentiability, Three Dimensional Geometry, Co-ordinate Geometry, Statistics & Probability, Vector Algebra, Mathematical Reasoning and Trigonometry.
Physics Syllabus:
Laws of Motion, Kinematics, Work, Energy & Power, Gravitation, Rotational Motion, Physics & Measurement, Properties of Solids & Liquids, Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Oscillations & Waves, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Magnetic Effects of Current & Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction & Alternating Currents, Current Electricity, Optics, Electromagnetic Waves, Dual Nature of Matter & Radiation, Electronic Devices, Atoms & Nuclei, Communication Systems, etc.
Chemistry Syllabus:
Physical Chemistry:Some Basic concepts in Chemistry, States of Matter, Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure, Atomic Structure, Solutions, Redox Reactions & Electrochemistry, Equilibrium, Chemical Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, etc.
Inorganic Chemistry:General Principles & Process of Isolation of Metals, Hydrogen, p Block Elements, s Block Element, Co-ordination Compounds, d and f Block Elements, Classification of Elements & Periodicity in Properties, Environmental Chemistry, etc.
Organic Chemistry:Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry, Organic Compounds Containing Halogens, Purification & Characterization of Organic Compounds, Hydrocarbons, Polymers, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen, Bio Molecules, Principles Related to Practical Chemistry, Chemistry in Everyday Life, etc.