Latest: CAT 2024 IIMs/Non-IIMs MBA GD-PI Call Predictor - Analyze Now
Dear Mahendra,
The CAT examination consists of the following three sections: 1. Verbal & Reading Comprehension (VARC) 2. Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DI & LR) 3. Quantitative Ability (QA)
To know about the topics in each of this section, I request you to visit: Good Luck.
The syllabus of CAT (Common Admission Test) consists of following main sections:-
That is in total there are 100 questions to be solved in 3 hours.
The usual marking scheme in CAT is if you answer correctly you score 3 marks and 1 mark is deducted for every wrong answer. If you do not attempt any question then no marks are deducted.
If you still have any queries feel free to ask in the comment section down below.
Know Your Chances for getting Calls from IIMs & other Top MBA Colleges through CAT Percentile, based on your category, academic profile, work-ex & CAT result.
CAT Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension Syllabus: Expected Topics
CAT Verbal Ability is one area which has seen the maximum change in topics and structure over the last three years. Going by the topics that appeared in the CAT 2019 exam, you need to prepare for the following important topics:
Reading Comprehension: Out of the 34 questions in the exam, 24 questions were from this area.
Paragraph Summary: This is another area which has gained prominence over the last couple of years.
Para-jumbles & Misfit Sentences: These two topics have become a regular in the exam over the last couple of years.
Critical Reasoning
Paragraph Completion
Grammar & Usage (including questions based on common Grammar errors, Confusing Words, & Phrasal Verbs)
Vocabulary based questions (mainly Fill in the blanks).
There are some other topics in Verbal Ability which you should cover. These topics are important from the standpoint of other MBA entrance exams:
Vocabulary Topics: Synonym-Antonym based questions, Cloze Passage, Analogies or Reverse Analogies, Meaning-Usage Match, Idioms and Phrases, Secondary Shades of Meaning, Usage, Associated words, Antonyms, etc.
Verbal Reasoning: Fact-Inference-Judgement
Grammar: Sentence Correction
CAT Quantitative Ability Syllabus
Number Systems; LCM and HCF; Profit, Loss and Discount; Percentages; Speed, Time and Distance; Time and Work; Simple and Compound Interest ; Ratio and Proportion; Averages; Quadratic Equations; Linear Equations; Complex Numbers; Logarithm; Binomial Theorem; Sequences and Series; Surds and Indices; Inequalities; Probability; Permutation and Combination; Set Theory; Functions; Geometry; Mixtures and Alligations; Trigonometry; Coordinate Geometry; and Mensuration.
CAT Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Syllabus
Caselets, Tables, Bar Graphs, Column Graphs, Line Charts, Venn Diagrams, Pie Charts, Combination of two or more types linked to each other
Games & Tournaments, Number and Letter Series, Calendars; Cubes, Clocks, Venn Diagrams, Binary Logic, Seating Arrangement; Syllogism; Logical Matching; Logical Sequence; Logical Connectives; Blood Relations.
Thank You
Syllabus for CAT
1) Verbal and reading comprehension .
Important tooics : Sentence correction , word usgae , para jumble , analogies , idioms
2)Data interpretation and Logical reasoning
Important topics : blood relation , bar graph , line graph , Venn diagram , statement , tables , seating arrangement
3).Quantitive apptitude
Variation , time and work , percentage , algebra ,probality , profit and loss , inequalities .
These three are the syllabus for CAT
Verbal has 34 questions
Data and reasoning has - 32
Quantitive apptitude- 34
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