what is the cost of study per year for the English medium medical course in Moscow
1) Ivanovo state Academy of medicine
2) Kursk state medical university
3) Nizhny Novgorod state academy of medicine
4) Saratov state university of medicine
5) Siberian state medical university
6) St. Petersburg state medical university
The most popular Medical Institutions in Moscow generally offer Russian medium or French Medium courses.
Universities like the Sechenov University and First Moscow State Medical University (FMSMU) offer some of their undergraduate programs in English as well as Russian.
The fee structure for various undergraduate programs at FMSMU comparable to other universities and is given below:
General Medicine MD/MBBS :
USD $11,000 for the first year
USD $10,000 per year for 2-6th year
USD $11,000 for the first year
USD $10,000 per year for 2-5th year
USD $7800 for the first year
USD $6800 per year for 2-5th year
The Medical universities in Moscow do not offer postgraduate programs in English.