What is the eligibility criteria for admission in Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore in BArch field?
A candidate/students who were passed 10 + 2 pattern of examination such as equivalent to the two year Pre-university (PUC) in Karnataka state.
- The Admission to Five year B.Arch., Course with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
If you more information once visit this below link and you can also know about fees and once go through the brochure in the below link:-
If you have any questions further let me know.
Thank you!!!
Hello Asmitra Sen
- A candidate must have passed 10 + 2 pattern of examination (equivalent to the two year Pre University in Karnataka) with Mathematics as one of the optional subjects and secured a minimum 50% marks in aggregate in all subjects in the qualifying examination is eligible for admission to the Bachelors of Architecture program under the General Category.
- The eligibility for admission is 45% of marks in the case of SC/ST, Category-1 and OBC Category candidates.
- The candidate should also appear and secure a minimum of 40% marks in NATA (including SC/ ST, Category-1, and OBC Category candidates) conducted by the Council of Architecture.
Hello Asmita sen
Actually for the eligibility criteria for the admissions in the M Section ramaiah instsuite of technology Bangalore is minimum 50 percentage in the class 10+2
For more information please feel free to ask
All the best