What is the eligibility criteria in BJMC and process of admission.
Eligibility criteria for admission is: Passed HSC with Minimum 70% Marks required in Theory Physics, Chemistry & Biology for General Category Students. For Reserve Categories Minimum Requirement 40% Marks required in Theory Physics, Chemistry & Biology.
Further, to get admission you have to appear in National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET) conducted by CBSE.
Please note that application form for NEET is now closed.
for more information:
Here I am mentioning the criteria of BJMC as :
- Minimum Qualification Required: 10+2 in any stream/ field or equivalent examination
- Minimum Marks Required: 50% to 60%, varies from college to college.
- Age Requirement: The minimum age requirement for BJMC is 17 years.
Most of the institutes conduct entrance test for the admissions which is followed by personal interviews as the final selection criteria. Some of the college took admission on the basis of intermediate marks.
Hope it helps.
Thank you.