What is the fee of b.ed 2 years course?
Bachelor of education B.Ed is a 2 year course and is for people who are interested in the field of Teaching.The course is compulsory for the people who want to teach in higher primary schools and high schools.The basic eligibility criteria is a graduation degree.
Generally the fee for the course is approximately 20,000 /_ to 25,000 /_. And the fee also varies according to the institute.
Thank you.

Fees for this course varies college by college and ranges over INR 30,000 to 60,000.
Some of the top colleges offering this course are,
- Kasturi Ram College of Higher Education
- Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
- University of Delhi
- Jamia Milia Islamia University
- Mahatma Gandhi University
- Lovely Professional University
- Banaras Hindu University
- All the Best