What is the fees structure for msc.clinical psychology in tamil nadu?
Answer (1)
Hope you are doing well
Some of the good colleges that offer MSc Psychology in Tamil Nadu are :
University of Madras, Chennai
Bharathiar University
Madurai Kamaraj University -
Bharathidasan University
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research,
The fee structure depends from college to college, the government colleges have are a little less expensive than that of the private colleges
For a detailed fee structure, admission process, you can check the link below
Hope you are doing well
Some of the good colleges that offer MSc Psychology in Tamil Nadu are :
University of Madras, Chennai
Bharathiar University
Madurai Kamaraj University -
Bharathidasan University
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research,
The fee structure depends from college to college, the government colleges have are a little less expensive than that of the private colleges
For a detailed fee structure, admission process, you can check the link below
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