what is the maximum score in nata?
The NATA 2021 Paper Pattern is divided into two parts: A and B! Part A is a drawing test that takes 2 hours and 15 minutes to complete in Offline Mode. Part B is administered online and consists of an examination that includes fundamental PCM, general aptitude, and logical reasoning. It'll last 45 minutes. As a result, the exam will last 3 hours and 15 minutes! This exam has a total score of 200 points.
Hi Pavitra!
The Paper Pattern of NATA 2021 comprises of two parts namely A and B! Part A is Drawing Test which is in Offline Mode for 2 hours and 15 minutes. Part B is through Online Mode which a test based on basic PCM and General Aptitude and Logical Reasoning. It is for 45 minutes. So, the total duration of the exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes! The total marks for this exam is 200 Marks. You'll be given 1.5 marks for every correct answer of Part B and there is no negative marking!
Hope this is helpful!
All the best!
NATA Sample Papers
Candidates can download NATA Question/Sample papers from here for better preparation.