what is the syllabus for all years in btech in cs
Dear student,
You will find that there is small variation if you look at syllabus of different colleges. Like few colleges are teaching the new computer science skills that is currently in market while others are still teaching the old computer science stuffs.
Below I am mentioning the major syllabus part of Computer science of each of the eight semesters.
First Year:- Mathematics I, Applied Physics, C & Data Structures, Network Theory, Semiconductor Devices and circuits, Engineering Drawing Practice, Computer Programming Lab, Semiconductor Devices and Circuits Lab
Second Year semester 1:- Mathematics II, Discrete Structures and Graph Theory, Data Processing and File Organization, Linear and Digital ICs Applications, Switching theory and logic design, Managerial Economics and Accountancy, COBOL Lab, IC Applications Lab
Second Year semester 2:- Probability and Statistics, Electrical Technology, Computer Organization, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Operating Systems, Object Oriented Programming, Operating Systems Lab, Object Oriented Programming Lab
Third Year semester 1:- Interfacing through Microprocessors, Operations Research, Data Communications, Theory of Computation, Principles of Programming Languages, System Programming, Interfacing through microprocessor lab, Systems Programming Lab
Third Year semester 2:- Management Science, Computer graphics, Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Language processors, Database management Systems, Language Processor Lab, DBMS Lab
Fourth Year semester 1:- Software Engineering, Distributed Systems, Visual Programming Techniques, Java programming, (Elective I) Advanced Computer Architecture, (Elective I) Fault-Tolerant Systems, (Elective II) Digital Speech and Image processing, (Elective II) Neural Networks, Visual Programming Lab, Java Lab
Fourth Year semester 2:- (Elective III) Simulation and Modelling, (Elective III) Robotics, (Elective IV) Data Mining and Ware Housing, (Elective IV) Advanced Databases, Project Work
I hope this answer helps you.
To know more about this course, you can go through the link below.
Good luck!!
Dear candidate, generally syllabus of first year of cse consists of physics, chemistry, maths, workshop, engineering drawing design, electrical science and C will be taught in one computer subject.
In second year mainly, DSA will be taught in computer, Digital logic, Digital systems, Microprocessors, Database, maths and there respective labs. In both year there would be a subject like economics/psychology/accounts/management or english.
In third year, there will be specialization courses of AI/ML/Computer Security/Big Data/Networking and content related to Web.
In fourth year, subjects like augmentation, cloud computing, blockchain, soft computing, computer and human interface will be there.
Subjects or sequence may vary but in maximum colleges syllabus of cse is same.