what is the syllabus for Electrical and electronics engineering(EEE)?
Electrical and electronics engineering (EEE) basically focuses on developing circuits, power management or systems etc. Basically the first year syllabus of each engineering course is almost same which includes computer programming, mathematics, electronic or electrical etc. From second year, technical subjects related to course are added such as electronics labs, circuits and electrical subjects, equipment manufacturing etc. You can check out the list of entire syllabus by visiting our page at
Thank you
Every university has different syllabus for their departments. First finalize the university you want to take admission in. Then visit the official site of university, you will easily find syllabus there.
Moreover, Electric machines, Signal and system, Power Electronics, Digital electronics, Analog electronics, Mathematics, Microprocessor and Microcontroller, Power system, Measurement and Instrumentation are some of the subjects of electrical engineering and electronics engineering you can go with.
Hope this will help.
B.tech EEE is a 4 years undergraduate course.
EEEis the undergraduate course that deals with all the areas of electronics and electrical engineering. Those areas include circuits, machines, Power systems, instruments etc. Electrical Engineering is responsible for generating, transferring and conversion of electric power. Electronic engineering is an engineering field that deals with transmission of information using radio signals.
The course includes digital systems design, differential equations, and electrical circuit theory.
Electrical Engineering is responsible for generating, transferring and conversion of electric power.
Electronic engineering is an engineering field that deals with transmission of information using radio signals.
Here's the list for top Electrical and Electronics engineering colleges in India https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://engineering.careers360.com/colleges/list-of-electrical-engineering-colleges-in-india&ved=2ahUKEwiSp-mNp7HrAhWSbn0KHTtMCDMQFjAKegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw2V_AKlKXncvGeY2XdqLZt6
Hope it helps