what rank should I get in clat to get in NILSIU, Bengaluru or NALSAR, Hyderabad
Hey Aspirant!
NALSAR Hyderabad is very sought after NLU. Last year, the last rank for NALSAR was 177 for general category candidates with marks of 89.75. Considering the previous year trends, candidates who are from the general category and have a rank less than 200 with marks ranging from 92-98 would get a seat in NALSAR.
For NLSIU Banglore the past cut off trends suggest that a candidate should secure atleast between 98-100 to secure a seat in NLSIU.
The cut offs and chances of getting NLU's also depend on the student category you belong to and the difficulty level of the paper, So to secure a seat in your desired college you need to give your best shot.
All the best!