What should i do after BCA? I have 3 years of Gap after 12th. Currently i am in 3rd year of BCA, and like to do programming. Should i prepare for government exams or prepare for NIMCET exam for pursuing MCA in NITs? My 3 years of gap after 12th will give me any trouble when i will give interview?
see I understand that you are really worried about future. see you have gap between academic so you will faced questions to justify what you have done in this years. so make a answer and be prepared for that. now see if you have good programming concept you may try for companies as software analyst, programmer analyst, web developer position. there is many work opportunity, freelance platforms available. however MCA course has also wide options and placements are good at nits. so if you want to go for higher education then prepare for nimcet exam. I will not suggest for government job cause for bca level there is less of relevant government jobs. you may apply for ssc cgl or banking but it would take a long time and due to pandemic there is less of recruitment going on. so it would be best to enhance your skill and try to find job as per your skills.
hope you understand.
And also I will prepare for NIMCET exam, and make myself better in programming.
Thank you so much for guidance, Mam.😊