What should i prepare for the maths section of clat?
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Dear Student,
Here is the list of all the topics which should be covered in order to get full marks in the mathematics section of CLAT.
Arithmetic - Includes Percentages, Profit and Loss, Averages, Ratio-Proportion, Time & Work, Pipes and Cisterns, Time, Speed and Distance, Mixtures and Alligations, Simple and compound Interest, Number Systems (HCF-LCM, Recurring Digits & Calculation of Unit Digits)
Algebra - Simplification, Linear and Quadratic Equations
Geometry & Mensuration - Triangles, Circles, Polygons, solids
Modern Mathematics - Trigonometry(Height and distance part only), Probability ,Permutations and Combinations, Stocks and Shares
Speed Mathematics - Calculation Techniques, approximation Techniques, Squares and Cubes
Understand the QA syllabus for CLAT -
Number System
Profit and Loss
Mixture & Allegation
Ration Proportion
Time Speed and Distance
Time and Work
For brushing the concepts refer to R.S Aggarwal Quantitative Aptitute book or any good study material from coaching institutes like TIME, CL etc.
Learn shortcut methods for solving quant questions. It will save your time.
Practice as much as possible. Put extra time on your weak areas to make up.
Hope you find it helpful
let me know in the comment box if you are having any further doubts
Good Luck!
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