What to do when you have missed the deadline of generating the code for aiims 2019?
Hello Akshat
The facility for Generation of Code will be re-opened by the AIIMS authorities from 23rd February 2019 to 12 March 2019 (up to 5 pm). This is the final opportunity so you must use this facility.
Good Luck!
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Dear Akshat, the last date for generation of cide was closed on February 17th. And there has been no official notification regarding any extension. And hence the last date stands unchanged. And without generation of code, you cannot complete the rest of the final registration process. Unfortunately, you cannot appear for AIIMS MBBS this year.
Exactly!! I was doing the registration for my sister. Now today when I checked the website it shows the generation code step is closed. And there is no mail or sms regarding the same. I really feel bad. please help us.