what was the purpose of dramatic art in the ancient period as discussed by bharat muni in his Natyasastra?
The Nayashastra primarily aims at giving the necessary directions to actors so as to enable them creditably to acquit themselves in acting out their parts; and to the dramatists to enable them to write flawless dramas.
Natyashastra is the earliest literature on music and drama – written somewhere around 500 BC by Bharata Muni. Comprising 6000 couplets in Sanskrit and spread over thirty-six chapters, Natyashastra’s focus was on dance and drama, with music as an aid. The title is a combination of two Sanskrit words – Natya and Shastra. Natya refers to technique of dance and drama, and shastra refers to science. It is the magnum opus that describes – relation between director and audience, structuring a play, acting techniques, costumes and make-up, music and musical instruments to be used, the dimensions of the stage and its decorations with lighting, and size of the hall and seating of audience. Directors and producers of plays mention that its relevance is high even in this date and age