What will be the marks needed in nid dat 2019 prelium ?? In mcq section I got 20 out of 30 . So is there any chance of admission
Hello Sanchita,
The ultimate selection in NID DAT is decided through the compilation of a candidate's both prelims and mains score. The weightage of scores of the two exams are-
DAT Prelims-30%
Dat Mains-70%
Many candidates found the drawing section more difficult than the MCQ section. Also, since you have not mentioned how many marks you scored in the drawing section, based on your score in the MCQ section, I am sure you will qualify the prelims. You need to wait for the mains exam to happen then based on that it would be easier to decide if you will get the admission or not. For further information about the exam and the entire selection process, you can check out the link below by Careers360 and get the necessary knowledge. Good Luck!
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