what will be the syllabus of kannada test paper in Kcet
Hello aspirant,
Hope you are doing great...!!
The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) prescribes the exam pattern of KCET 2022. KEA conducts the Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) for admissions into various engineering programs. As per the exam pattern of KCET 2022, the question paper includes multiple-choice questions. There is a total of 180 questions in the three papers/sections of the exam. The examination will be conducted for 1 hour 20 minutes for each paper.
Three papers/sections:-
Three – Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology with 60 questions each.
KCET syllabus is based on std 11th and std 12th syllabus.
In Physics:- Alternating current
Current electricity
Electric charges and fields
Electromagnetic induction
Electromagnetic waves
Electrostatic potential and capacitance
Gravitation Kinetic theory Laws of motion
Magnetism and matter
Mechanical properties of fluids
Mechanical properties of solids
Motion in a plane Motion in a straight line
Moving charges and magnetism
Oscillations Physical world Ray optics and optical instruments
System of particles and rigid body
Thermal properties of matter Units and measurement
Wave optics Waves
Work Energy and power
Dual nature of radiation and matter
Atoms Nuclei
Semiconductor electronics
Communication systems
In Mathematics:- Algebra
Coordinate geometry
Linear programming
Mathematical reasoning
Sets Relations and functions
Statistics and probability
Vectors and three-dimensional geometry
In Chemistry:- Chemical bonding and molecular structure
Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
Environmental chemistry
Equilibrium Hydrocarbons
Hydrogen Organic chemistry – some basic principles and technique
P-block elements
Redox reactions S – block elements
Some basic concepts in chemistry
States of matter Gases and liquids
Structure of atom Thermodynamics
Hope this helps you!
All the best:)
KCET Sample Papers
Students looking for KCET preparation, can download free question paper from here.