What will be the total fees for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th years in BITS for Computer Science and Engineering in specialitaon in Artificial intelligence and Machine learning?
The BITS course fees are approximately consistent for most of the courses and varies a little bit from campus to campus.
Now in general the fees structure is:
- ADMISSION FEE: Rs 39,800
- FIRST YEAR FEE: Rs 1,78,000
- SECOND YEAR FEE: Rs.1,94,000
- THIRD YEAR FEE: Rs. 2,11,500
- FOURTH YEAR FEE: Rs 2,30,500
To know more visit the link below:
For the official fees structure for Academic session 2019-20 visit the link below:
I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!