what's the difference between computer science and bioinformatics? which field is better?
Answer (1)
Dear Aspirant,
Bioinformatics branch deals with hands on learning in the fields of computer science, engineering and statistics to process information dealing with biology. You will learn to create tools to make further advancements in biology after your graduation. Bioinformatics is considered to be a perfect Field if you have interest to study in interdeciplinary fashion.
Whereas computer science in other deals with hands on learning to empower many industries and organisations with an inclusion of typical mathematics and programming to solve real time problems.
For more details about bioinformatics visit:
Opportunities are kind of similar in both fields so choose what interests you the most.
Hope it is informative
All the best
Bioinformatics branch deals with hands on learning in the fields of computer science, engineering and statistics to process information dealing with biology. You will learn to create tools to make further advancements in biology after your graduation. Bioinformatics is considered to be a perfect Field if you have interest to study in interdeciplinary fashion.
Whereas computer science in other deals with hands on learning to empower many industries and organisations with an inclusion of typical mathematics and programming to solve real time problems.
For more details about bioinformatics visit:
Opportunities are kind of similar in both fields so choose what interests you the most.
Hope it is informative
All the best
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