when is the entrance of MA mass communication 2020 of pune university?
As of now , no confirmation has been made by concerned authorities regarding the exact date on which entrance exam is to be conducted, tentatively it can get released in the month if September only, the deadline of application form was further extended till yesterday, the exam will be conducted for 100 marks, there is no negative marking scheme, the paper is divided into two parts objective and descriptive, each consists of 50 marks, the former will have six questions based on general knowledge and language skills, while the latter will have three questions based on analytical, writing skills which is essay, short notes, comprehension, candidates belonging to General Category need to attain 45% in the entrance test to qualify while for reserved category they need merely 30%. Stay updated at the official website at http://www.unipune.ac.in/university_files/admissions.htm to know more details regarding this.