when is the last date to apply for comedk 2021?
Last date to apply is the 3rd week ofApril 2021.
Admit Card release1st week ofMay 2021.
COMEDK UGET 2021 exam20th June 2021.
And the release of Provisional Answer Key 4th week of June 2021.These dates may be tentative but then also keep this dates in your mind .....And if further any change occurs in the date we will let you know....
Thank you.
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COMEDK UGET is an undergraduate entrance test conducted by Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka every year. The last date to apply for COMEDK UGET 2021 is 3rd week of April 2 021 . The admit card will be released by the first week for May 2021. The exam will take place on 20th June 2021.
I hope this helps.
COMEDK UGET Sample Papers
Candidates can download COMEDK UGET Question/Sample papers from here for better preparation.