When will admissions/ applications for M.Phil in Clinical Psychology in INHS Asvini Mumbai start for 2019-2021 ?
M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology is a psychology course. Clinical psychology is an integration of science, theory and clinical knowledge. Similarly, this course expects the candidates to have skills like communication, information technology, handling of data and statistics, problem – solving and the ability to work in teams. And also a capacity for understanding human behavior and motivation, ability to analyze a problem, formulate a considered response.There are also various job opportunities available in employment areas like social service, prisons, govt. hospitals and etc.
For admissions there is not much given on their site but you can email them to ask the dates.
E-mail: [email protected].
The admission process is carried over by considering the merit score of the student in their exams and some institutes conduct entrance exams and there would be personal interview carried by the institute that various or depends upon the institutes.
Good luck!!