where can i get fee paid reciept for kcet 2021 because i forgot to download and please tell where can i download application form once again wich is required for councelling
Hello Vikas.
I guess you are doing well in this present pandemic situation.
To download the Fee receipt please follow the given procedure:
Go to the official website of KCET 2021 "kea.kar.nic.in". Select the login option The U ser ID has to be entered and the OTP will be generated and sent to the candidate's registered mobile number. Enter the OTP. And then you can see the download button. To download the receipt click the button. And your receipt gets downloaded.
To download the application form:
Go to the official website of KCET 2021 "kea.kar.nic.in" Click on 'Edit Karnataka CET application' The U ser ID has to be entered and the OTP will be generated and sent to the candidate's registered mobile number. Enter the OTP.
If this doesn't work you can also mail to the concerned people in KEA to help you out.
Hope this helps you.
If that is the case then the only possible way is to visit the KEA office. The address is : 18th cross Sampige road, Malleswaram. Do visit it and get it done as early as possible. And also keep on trying to contact them. Can't say they might revert back. In your case this is the thing which can be done. So better visit the KEA office.
Best of luck.
If you have any queries do ask them. I'll try to help if possible.
And all the best
I am not able to download that fee payment slip ??? can anyone tell how do I do that
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