whether a candidate from Odisha is eligible to get into MBBS of VMMC through 85% quota councelling of IPU, Delhi. If yes, the cut off must be lower than that for 15% AIQ.
Hello dear,
If your residential certificate is of Odisha and also all of your higher studies you had taken from Odisha itself then you are not eligible for getting mbbs of VMMC through 85% quota. To apply for 85% quota you must have residential certificate of that state and in delhi you can also apply for 85% quota counseling seat if you have done your Higher studies there(means class 10,11th,12th) otherwise you will be not eligible for that state 85% quota seat. Talking about cut offf, yeah it low for 85% seat than all india 15% quota as from delhi there are less number of neet candidates compared to other state. That's trend till now usually cut off are low for 85% quota but it's not valid that this year will happens too as NEET 2020 results had not been declared yet.
You can check cut off for both 85% quota and 15% quota of Delhi from link given below
You can also predict your neet 2020 ranks from link below and can compare the chance of getting college
Hope this information helps you and clear your doubts. You can ask if you further queries.
All the best