Which book should i prefer for preparation of neet 2018 for biology ?
. So here are the sources that really worked for me and majority of others too ---
1. NCERT 11th AND 12th : One cannot expect to leave NCERTs. What I have discovered is that in each line of these books there are unrevealed MCQs that can come in exams so a thorough study is must.
Plus I can't even count how many times one should revise these two books.
2. NCERT at finger tips (MTG): After reading each chapter from NCERT I used to solve MCQs from finger tips . Good thing about this book is that, out of those 80 to 100 questions of each chapter not even a single question feel repetitive and silly or unimportant .
Also this book has 5 to 6 sample papers at the end of book that are designed as per NEET exam so that's a plus point too .
3. There are some questions (may be about 10% or more ) in every entrance that maybe aren't from ncert (may be) so to tackle these problems one can follow other sources like ;
(a) If you have books given by your coaching institute, you can solve questions given in them.
(b) Notes that you have copied down in your classroom CAN BE HELPFUL in certain situations .
(c) If you've missed some class or didn't grab the concept taught in class you can use online sources like YouTube (there are some very helpful videos and they are free too ).
Have faith in your vision
All the best
Most Scoring concepts for NEET
This ebook serves as a valuable study guide for NEET exams, specifically designed to assist students in light of recent changes and the removal of certain topics from the NEET exam.
I must say that Ncert biology is the bible for beet and even for aiims too. Do read it as many times as you can and make your own notes from each ane every topic or rather paragraph and jort them beside it so that during last minute preparation you can overlook what you have written as a summary .
For mcqs fingertips by mtg publications is the best and do practice some assertions and reason from akash or allen materials.

Biology is the most important part of neet exam and scoring well in it is very important for getting selection.
NCERT is your bible for neet preparation. You should be thorough with each and every line of biology NCERT so as to avoid confusion in multiple choices and it will also increase your speed. But only NCERT is not sufficient for getting 300+ in bio. Refer to a guide along with NCERT. I would suggest Allen module.
Also practice lots of mcq, especially previous year questions to get an idea of which topics are more important. NCERT at your fingertips is a good book for mcq.
All the best!
Just read ncert by heart..revise it maximum times..and for mcq you can take ncert at fingertips
While reading just follow my advice..just treat every line as question..what question can be made from this line
For biology be completely thorough with NCERT syllabus.
Practice as many papers and MCQs you can.
I recommend Arihant 40 days NEET and Truman's biology for good preparation. You can also try SChand if you need.
Hope this helps!
If with ncert only , you are able to understand everything then you may use it only.
Otherwise. , the other option is .-- if you have joined any coaching class , go for ncert+ coaching class book. You need not take any other reference book then.
If you have not joined any coaching class -- ncert + truemen is good .
I hope it helps.