which branch on engineering has very good scope in the present situation?
Don't depend on present scope or any such thing, madhy be today's computers score but when you are about to go for placements the scope of computers is 0 and may be with any other branch. Your entire future les on this decision. Be careful.
For any help write in comments.
every engineering branch is a life in outside if you stand with the subjest computers for software will be ever growing,civil in construction feild will be there for life,mechanical is heart for automotives field and remaining in case only differs in government sector jobs the core brances like mechanical,civil,electrical and electronic brances have special jobs like IES(indian engineering service) and you know cse and it has software feild across the world so hope you will look into the feild that intrest you and make you some more special all the best
No branch is good or bad only thing is interest you you hold in the concern branch. Of you want to go for government jobs you should select or go for mechanical or civil branches , since they are more chances and opportunities and if you want to go for private sector jobs cse and IT are the best choices. Placements are for all branches it's true that they are somehow less for mechanical and civil but for government jobs these are best.
Regarding studies all are same in the first year and differ in earlier years.