Which chapters in Chemistry and Maths carry the maximum weightage in JEE(Mains & Advanced)?
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Hello Mukul
A young aspirant like you really needs to plan his syllabus well before the exam and get himself excellently skilled in the important topics. Coming to your query, the important topics for JEE exam are listed below:
1. Quadratic Equations: Marks carried are 1 - 3.
2. Sequence and Series: Marks carried are 2 - 3.
3. Vectors: Marks carries are 2 - 4.
4. Coordinate Geometry: Marks carried are 3 - 5.
5. Trigonometry: Marks carried are 2 - 4.
6. Calculus: Marks carried are 7 - 10.
7. Permutation and Combination: Marks carried are 2 - 3.
1. Biomolecules: Marks carried are 2 - 4.
2. GOC: Marks carried are 2 - 4.
3. Solutions: Marks carried are 1 - 2.
4. Chemical Kinetics: Marks carried are 2 - 4.
5. Equilibrium: Marks carried are 2 - 4.
6. Reaction Mechanism: Marks carried are 2 - 6.
7. Chemical Bonding: Marks carried are 2 - 4.
8. Thermodynamics: Marks carried are 1 - 2.
9. P - Block: Marks carried are 2 - 5.
1. Differential Calculus: Marks carried are up to 28.
2. Integral Calculus: Marks carried are up to 16.
3. Trigonometry: Marks carried are 8.
4. Matrix and Determinants: Marks carried are 8.
5. Probability: Marks carried are 8.
6. Coordinate Geometry: Marks carried are 12.
7. Coordinate Geometry (3D): Marks carried are 8.
1. Inorganic chemistry (chemical bonding, periodicity, periodic table and s-block): Marks carried are 20.
2. Physical chemistry I (atomic structure and nuclear chemistry, ionic equilibrium, mole concept, thermochemistry and thermodynamics): Marks carried are up to 28.
3. Physical chemistry II (Chemical kinetics, surface chemistry, solids and solutions): Marks carried are 20.
4. Organic chemistry: Marks c arried are up to 35.
Hey aspirant, there is no fixed wieghtage of marks of any chapters in any subject. The pattern of questions changes every year. Jee advanced question paper highly qualified examiners. They always try to outwit the question and pattern guessing on the basis of previous year papers. Getting topic of choise is all about luck in jee advanced.
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For JEE main
(number of questions are mentioned in the brackets)
Coordinate Geometry(5)
Limits, Continuity and Differentiability(3)
Integral Calculus(3)
Complex numbers and Quadratic Equation(2)
Matrices and Determinants(2)
Statistics and Probability(2)
Three Dimensional Geometry(2)
Vector Algebra (2)
Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry(3)
Periodic table and Representative Elements(3)
Thermodynamics And Gaseous State(2)
Atomic Structure(2)
Chemical Bonding(2)
Chemical And Ionic Equilibrium(2)
Solid State And Surface Chemistry(2)
For JEE advance
Trigonometry (2-4)
coordinate geometry (2-4)
Calculus (7-10)
vector (2-4)
Reaction Mechanism (2-4)
Biomolecules (2-4)
Chemical kinetics (2-4)
Coordination compounds (2-4)
P block (2-5)
All the best :)
For jEE mains and advance the topics like coordinate geometry,integral calculus, limits and continuity has more weightage in math.
For chemistry the topics having more weightage are:-
- Transistion elements and coordinate geometry
- Periodic table and representative elements
- Atomic structure
- Chemical bonding etc.
- https://www.google.com/amp/s/engineering.careers360.com/articles/jee-main-syllabus-weightage/amp
- . thank you!!!