Which College is better for MBA among Ip University main Campus or Apeejay School of management please reply..
Hello Rishav,
NONE. Kindly read it again, NONE. Please do not waste your time in pursuing your MBA degree from such colleges. I could have very well given you a piece of advice to go for IP university and not Apeejay school but I won't be doing that as I am pursuing MBA myself and I know the value of good learning, curriculum, competition as well as placements. You cannot expect to get any of these from the 2 institutes that you have mentioned. More than half of the students stay unplaced. Quality of education is extremely low, so students would ultimately feel helpless after completing their degrees because out there, in the corporate world, you have to compete with candidates from colleges like IIMs, MDI, FMS, etc. You cannot do that in any way if the standard of learning in your college was low. If you do not get placed from these colleges, then you have to try for it off-campus, right?
So kindly give yourself a chance and work very hard to secure good marks in CAT/XAT/IIFT/SNAP/NMAT/CMAT/MAHCET. Hope this helps. All the best!