which college is better st Xavier Kolkata or st. Xavier Mumbai?
Both the colleges are good but if you want to compare the college ranking wise. Then obviously St. Xavier's College Kolkata comes before St Xavier's College Mumbai. Because St. Xaviers College (Autonomous) Kolkata, has secured 7th Rank in National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2020.
You can decide which College you want to choose.
All the best.
Hello dear student,
It really depends on what basis you want to know about the College. Is it on the basis of the studies or campus . If you want to know the difference between these two on the basis of studies then definitely St Xavier Mumbai is better than St Xavier Kolkata. Also the Mumbai campus was established in 1869 while the Kolkata campus was established in 2017. for you for the reference here I am attaching a link where you can see the comparison between both the colleges and you can choose accordingly. https://dqxeclau.top/compare-colleges?college=1879-5814-course=0-0
Thank you