Which colleges in Mumbai and Pune can I expect with 95.41 percentile in MHCET MBA 2019 in general category and Mumbai home University
At 95-96 percentile You can get below colleges
According to last year Some of them are above your percentile..some of Them.are below your Percentile.But You have to apply those all soo there will be chance to get higher rank college
1-Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research, Mumbai
2-N.L Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai
3-S.I.E.S. College of Management Studies, Mumbai
4-University of Pune – DMS (PUMBA), Pune
5-Xavier Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai
6-MET's Institute of Management, Mumbai
This are the top colleges according to your percentile..You will definately Get one among them..
thank You