Which collge is better between jaipuria noida or jaipuria ghaziabad ?
Jaipuria Noida offers PGDM courses and Jaipuria Ghazibad offers only MBA. Both are private colleges and are AICTE approved.
Jaipuria Noida is an autonomous college whereas Jaipuria Ghaziabad is affiliated to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow. Jaipuria Noida is ranked 47 in top MBA colleges in India. Both have 180 seats each.
Entrance exams considered by Jaipuria Noida are CAT/CMAT/ XAT/MAT/ATMA and by Jaipuria Ghaziabad are UPSEE/CAT/MAT/CMAT.
Highest package in Jaipuria Noida for PGDM was Rs. 17.65 Lakhs and Average package was Rs. 6.20 Lakhs. Highest package for MBA in Jaipuria Ghaziabad was Rs. 11.25 Lakhs and Average package was Rs. 5.50 Lakhs.
So, Jaipuria Noida can be considered as a better option than Jaipuia Ghaziabad. Visit official websites of both colleges and choose as per your preferences.

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