which IIT will conduct GATE 2023 Exam?
The IIT that will conduct the GATE-2023 exam is IIT Kanpur. The IIT Kanpur will notify you about the schedule of the exam during September month in the year 2023. Most probably the exam will be held in the first week of February in 2022.
Hope this information helps you. Thank you.

Hi aspirant,
IISC has already announced that gate 2023 examination will be conducted by IIT Kanpur out of the seven IIT's. IIT Kanpur will release an official brochure in september or October which will consist off details such GATE Exam Date, GATE Eligibility, GATE Exam Pattern and GATE Updated Syllabus. The exam is likely to be conducted in the first week of February with all the graduates and the students in final year of their graduation being eligible for the same.
Hope it helps!!
Hope you are doing well.
GATE 2023 Exam will be conducted by IIT Kanpur. IIT Kanpur will release official GATE 2023 notification in month of September, 2022 along with GATE Exam Date, GATE Eligibility, GATE Exam Pattern, and GATE Updated Syllabus.
Hope you are clear now. Feel free to ask if you have any other queries. All The Best!!!
Hope you are doing good.
Gate 2023 will be conducted by IIT Kanpur. The notification of the same will be released in the month of September 2022. And the exam is expected to be conducted in February 2023.
All the best.
Dear student,
this is to inform you that GATE 2023 will be conducted by IIT Kanpur which has been officially announced and all the details regarding the examination will be released by IIT Kanpur this year 2022 around august or September.