Which magazine or newspaper should I read for improving my vocabulary for cat?
I will strongly advise you to go for Norman Lewis for vocabulary, not only you can learn varieties of words but also technique to remember the words.
For Reading Comprehension and as well as for vocabulary go for The Hindu and The Indian Express. The content of these newspaper's are good specially the editorial page, will help in Reading Comprehension.
For magazine prefer to go for applications like The Reuters or whichever you like.
All the best!
Hi Abhishek,
English language section is an integral part of the CAT exam and also for the selection rounds – GD, PI and WAT. There are certain books that you can read to improve your Verbal section (English Language & reading Comprehension) for CAT exam. Sharing the section-wise list of books for CAT preparation -
MUST read books for CAT preparation
Also, download the free e-book for section-wise preparation of CAT exam. Here is the link -
Free Ebook - CAT Section Wise Preparation Tips
All the best.
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